Cinnamon Crunch Banana Coffee Bread Recipe

Cinnamon Crunch Banana Coffee Bread Recipe

When it comes to fueling your body for peak performance, taste and nutrition should go hand in hand. That's why we've crafted a delectable treat that's not only a delight for your taste buds but also tailored to support athletes, especially runners.

Our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread is a game-changer, whether you're looking for a pre-run energy boost or a post-workout recovery snack.

Introducing our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread: The Perfect Fuel for Runners

This banana bread is a symphony of flavors and functionality. The natural sweetness of ripe bananas mingles with the warmth of cinnamon, creating a comforting aroma that's hard to resist, and the cinnamon crunch topping is to die for.

But what truly elevates this recipe is our secret ingredient: banana-flavored electrolyte-infused coffee.

This infusion not only enhances the banana bread's flavor profile but also provides a double punch of caffeine and essential electrolytes, making it an ideal choice for athletes seeking that extra edge in their training routine.

Join us as we unveil the recipe for our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread, a delicious and nutrient-rich offering that will have you powering through your runs with gusto and recovering like a champion. This recipe is gluten-free and dairy-free and also has vegan-friendly option.

Let's dive in and discover how to whip up this delectable, health-conscious treat that's perfect for athletes and runners alike!

Cinnamon Crunch Banana Coffee Bread Recipe

Banana Bread Ingredients

  • 2 cups almond flour  
  • 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder of your choosing (or an additional 1/2 cup almond flour) - we used this Orgain Vanilla Plant-Based Protein
  • 2 large bananas mashed
  • 1 egg (or substitute a flax egg to make it vegan)
  • 1/2 cup of brewed Post Race Banana electrolyte infused coffee
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup for extra sweetener (optional)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Dash of cinnamon

Cinnamon Filling and Topping Ingredients

  • 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar of your choosing (we used coconut sugar)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F
  2. Mix together all banana bread ingredients until well combined into a thick batterCinnamon Crunch Coffee Banana Bread Wet Ingredient Mix
  3. Pour half of the batter into a greased 9x5 loaf pan
  4. Mix together the cinnamon filling ingredients and sprinkle half of it on top of the batter in the pan.
  5. Pour the remaining half of the batter on top of the cinnamon filling
  6. Top with the remaining cinnamon sugar toppingCinnamon Crunch Coffee Banana Bread - Crunch Topping
  7. Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean and edges are lightly browned
  8. Let it cool completelyCinnamon Crunch Coffee Banana Bread Loaf
  9. Slice and serve!
  10. Storage This scrumptious cinnamon crunch banana coffee bread should be covered in an airtight container and can either be stored at room temp for 2-3 days or up to 5 days in the fridge.
Cinnamon Crunch Banana Coffee Bread Recipe

How Our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread Helps You Fuel and Recover To Maximize Performance

Our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread isn't just a tasty treat; it's a performance-enhancing powerhouse designed with athletes and runners in mind.

The balance of carbohydrates and protein in this banana bread provides a sustained source of energy, making it an ideal choice for both pre-run fueling and post-workout recovery.

But what sets it apart is the infusion of banana-flavored electrolyte-infused coffee. This dynamic combination not only imparts a delicious banana kick but also delivers the benefits of caffeine, offering an energy boost to kickstart your runs.

Furthermore, the added electrolytes help replenish what's lost during exercise, ensuring proper hydration and muscle function. Whether you're gearing up for a race or winding down after a long run, our Cinnamon Crunch Banana Bread is your go-to companion for achieving peak performance while savoring every bite.

BEWARE: Bake at Your Own Risk

It is very tough to not consume the whole loaf at once!

Cinnamon Crunch Banana Coffee Bread Recipe


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